Gynecomastia: Breast Growth Problem in Men
22-09-2020 17:30

Gynecomastia: Breast Growth Problem in Men

Gynecomastia is the enlargement of the breasts in people. It must be treated since it is abnormal. There may be various reasons for this. 70-90% of these problems, which are usually seen in boys aged 13-15, resolve within in 1-2 years. Therefore, people at those age should wait 1-2 years for the treatment of breast growth. Breast growth in adult males should be screened for breast cancer. Breast cancer is not only a disease specific to women. Therefore, men should be careful about this.

What causes Gynecomastia (male breast enlargement)?

There could be many reasons for this. Transition from childhood to adolescence, usage of some medications, hormonal irregularities, aging, various diseases may be effective in this. In particular, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, testicular diseases, drug use, thyroid gland diseases, liver cirrhosis, organ cancers can cause breast enlargement in men. In addition, steroids taken with the desire to build muscle and gain weight can also cause breast growth. Before the decision of surgery is made in men, thyroid gland and liver functions should be monitored and hormone tests should be evaluated.

How many types of gynecomastia happen?

Breast growth in men can develop in three different ways. The treatment methods applied to them will also be different.

Grandular breast growth: This breast growth is caused by real breast tissue. The growth is in the form of hard tissue. Surgical methods are used in the treatment.

Fatty breast growth: This breast growth in men is caused by adipose tissue. The treatment of this is done by liposuction.

Mixed type breast growth: Both adipose tissue and breast tissue are responsible for this breast growth. Liposuction and surgical methods are used together in this treatment.

How is gynecomastia diagnosed?

First of all, the type of breast growth in men should be determined. For this, pathological examination is performed on the breast tissue. If this is not done, imaging tests such as MRI and computed tomography can also be used. When a definitive diagnosis is made, a treatment plan is made accordingly.

How is gynecomastia (male breast enlargement) treated?

After determining the factor that affects breast growth, some evaluations are made according to the treatment plan.

  • The proportion of excess skin on the breast
  • The amount of sagging in the nipple
  • Fat tissue ratio in the breast
  • The proportion of hard granular tissue in the breast
  • The size of the brown area on the nipple
  • The patient is expectations about the appearance of the breast
  • The patient is general health, age, and history
  • The patient is wishes

These are evaluated by the plastic surgeon and the treatment method is determined. Excess tissue in the breast can be removed by surgery. However, if the growth in the breast occurs in adolescence rhe patient could wait around 1-2 years. If it is decided that the patient is suitable for surgery it can be performed. Liposuction or laser method can be used in the treatment as well as surgery.